Atonement Lutheran, Columbus

Position Title: Director of Music, Organist
Church Name: Atonement Lutheran Church
Church Address: 1621 Francisco Rd Columbus OH
Contact Name: Mary Schroeder
Contact Email:
Job Description:

At Atonement, the music director helps to feed … a hunger for creativity in worship, a desire to honor God, and open hearts to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ … by offering a high level of quality in our musical worship expressions, and a respect for worship that is distinctively Lutheran (Christ-centered, Word-driven, and participatory). The music director, will work together with the other ministry support team members as “Partners in the Gospel” as, together, they facilitate the total ministry of the Congregation. The music director is to be a person of prayer, upholding the Congregation and its leaders, and a model of Godly living. He/She will work in conjunction with the pastor and worship committee to plan and execute the musical expression of the congregation’s worship life, doing so within the guidelines of the Constitution of Atonement Congregation.

Position Description: Posted to AGO Columbus 1/22/25 The position involves the following:

A. Providing musical accompaniment for …
A minimum of two Sunday mornings per month.
All Advent and Lenten midweek services.
All holy days observed by the congregation including …
Christmas Eve Services Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve Holy Thursday
Good Friday Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday Ascension Thursday
Holy Cross Day (September 14) Reformation Day
All Saint’s Day … other days as they may come up.

B. Arranging replacements for any of these if a personal scheduling conflict occurs.
C. Providing musical accompaniment for weddings and funerals or finding replacements.
* Additional remuneration is provided directly by families that are served.
D. Attending worship committee meetings.
E. Serving as choir director and bell choir director with a typical season being September through May.
F. Identifying and recruiting musicians in the congregation to incorporate their talents.

Personal Characteristics:

1. Outreach vision, committed to the Great Commission
2. Spiritually mature, a strong personal faith and commitment to the Lord.
3. Emotionally mature, with integrity, loyalty, and consistency.
4. A self-starter, requiring minimal direction.
5. Creative and proactive.
6. Teachable, cooperative, team player.
7. Gives attention to detail and follow-through.

Interview start date: ASAP
Position Start Date: ASAP
Instruments: ALLEN MDS35. Malmark HandBells
Rehearsal Time & Day: To be set by Director
Service Time(s): Not stated
Salary Range: The music director position is a salaried position.
Staff Meetings: Not stated
Paid Vacation: Not stated


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